Sunday, February 09, 2025

ECSOC plays multi-dimensional roles in supporting the CSO sector. The roles can be broadly categorized as follows:

  • CSO sector representation: As specified in its founding proclamation, ECSOC is responsible for representing the CSO sector in Ethiopia. This means that the Council stands for all CSOs in the country and should, thus, act in the broad interests of the sector.
  • CSO sector coordination: Having regard to the diversity of the sector and the programmes being implemented across the country, ECSOC plays an important role of coordinating the work of various CSOs to enhance the impact of their efforts and to exploit inherent synergies.
  • CSO sector self-governance: ECSOC are mandated by legislation to enact and implement a code of conduct for the sector. The code has been enacted and the Council is developing and will soon put in place the necessary implementation and enforcement mechanism.
  • Knowledge production and dissemination: The Council will play a leading role in generating knowledge about the CSO sector through its research unit and it will also collate and aggregate information from other sources and disseminate all information using appropriate multi-media platforms.
  • Leading advocacy on policy and regulatory reforms: The Council will also play a leading role in advocating for policy and regulatory changes that protect the CSS interests and strengthen its participation and involvement in national development.
  • Advising ACSO, government and other sectors on CSO matters: As the apex body for the CSOs in Ethiopia, ECSOC will play a leading role on providing advice and guidance to other parties on matters of importance to the sector.
  • Protection of the CSO sector: Having regard to past experiences when the work of CSOs was hampered by government legislation and policies, ECSOC will seek to protect and defend both the sector and individual members from government overreach and other hostile or threatening acts.
  • Promoting the CSO sector: The Council will be the leading cheerleader for the CSO sector and will, in this regard, design, develop and disseminate promotional information and materials about the Council and the sector highlighting its achievements, importance and centrality to national economic development.
  • CSO sector networking: The Council will lead and actively support networking events to strengthen the sector and to ensure that members pool their efforts and resources and to serve the best interest of the citizens and to provide good value and service.